" Earth 2090 " a science fiction Feature
  flmmkr | " The FiRsT DaY " | Sample Scenes | FLORIDA STORMS 2004 | " Hopes -N- Dreams " | COME UPS -N- SHAKEDOWNS | " The FiRsT DaY " more info | " Earth 2090 " A Si-Fi feature | " Tournament " | Production/Distribution  | " HERB " | " NEGATIVE EMOTIONS " | ONLINE STORM FOOTAGE | Hurricane Frances | <marquee>   

Earth year 2090. All crude oil is used up . gas is 9.99$ a gallon for what is left in global resources.

All natural water in our underground core is depleted , see how we live off salt water, As the ocean levels are now being used up, fish dying from lack of oxygen in salt water, For planet Earth is now living off the salt water..

The volcano in africa eropted sometime in 2040 causing a 1800 meter tall tusmali((tidal wave )) , racing across the atlantic @ 920 mph. the entire east coast of USA from NYC to Miami takes the brunt of this wave ,, destruction is multi disasteral..

Earth is cold, Florida now averages 14" of measureable snow annually.. Do to the new automobiles which power off of menthol and the heat in the air , causing our atmosphere to be 40 degrees cooler..

Ricky Fenton rocket scientist world known scientist, discovers errors that can cause the center of the earth to explode, He must convince the president to set a nuclear missle into the earths center to relieve pressure and cooling, will it work ???? stay tuned.....c 2001 all rights reserved usa cjb usa/uk

earth 2090 is an un optomistic outlook on earth in year 2090
will Ricky Fenton be able to save the earth in 2090 ???????
under construction

See a 1800 meter tall wave take out he entire east coast of the usa 20 miles in land this wave reaches, in the flash back back to 2040 NYC/ miami had less than 5 hours notice of this tidal wave..

a high budget feature film
Earth 2090 is explosive in special effects

in 2040 A volcano that really exsists in the present day erupts on the africa coast dropping 800 trillon tons of volcano/rock/ a chunk of a mountain . in to the sea ..

to be updated soon....

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